The pleasant or normally satisfactory aspects of a location which contribute to its overall character and the enjoyment of residents and visitors.
Used to provide the planning framework for areas where significant change or conservation is needed. Part of the statutory development plan for an area.
An area of developed land (usually now vacant or derelict).
A Development Consent Order (DCO) is the means of obtaining permission for developments categorised as Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIP).
Part of the suite of local planning policies used to determine a planning application and guide decisions on new development. Part of the statutory development plan for an area.
This refers to the collection of planning policies and proposals for the development, conservation and use of land and buildings in force in a particular local authority area. It includes the Local Plan and, where applicable, any Neighbourhood Plan(s) and Spatial Development Strategy relevant to the area in question.
Enterprise Zones are designated areas across England that provide tax breaks, simplified planning rules and Government support.
Includes special area of conservation (SAC), special protection area (SPA) and Ramsar wetland.
Formal examination of the Local Plan and supporting documents by an inspector appointed by the Secretary of State to consider if the plan is sound and legally compliant.
An area of undeveloped land which includes agricultural fields and private garden spaces.
The local authority needs to plan for a range of housing provision of varying sizes and styles to cater for its demographic population. The local authority has to take into account the housing needs of families with children, older people housing, housing for people with disabilities etc. The local authority then sets out targets with regards to the provision of the mix of housing that is to be provided, these targets will usually be set in line with those of contained in the London Plan.
Land used for commercial purposes that usually involves mechanically processes, such as manufacturing, distribution of goods and services, research and development facilities, mining and engineering operations.
A procedure for dealing with planning appeals where there is informal discussion of the proposal round a table chaired by the Inspector. Less formal than a Public Inquiry with no cross examination. Hearings are also held as part of the process for determining a DCO application.
Special area of conservation (SAC), special protection area (SPA), Ramsar wetland, potential SPA, possible SAC or proposed Ramsar wetland.
Sets out the Council's programme for preparing planning documents. It lists the local development documents to be prepared and provides a timetable for producing them.
A type of planning brief outlining the preferred use of land and the overall approach to the layout in order to provide detailed guidance for subsequent planning applications.
A type of planning brief outlining the preferred use of land and the overall approach to the layout in order to provide detailed guidance for subsequent planning applications.
Material considerations are relevant matters that should be taken into account when a planning application or planning appeal is being assessed. For example, material considerations could be, layout and design of buildings, the impact on the character of the area, planning policies. Planning authorities are responsible for deciding what weight is given to the differing considerations when assessing the applications and there are no set specifications as to what can be considered. Generally material considerations do not include issues such as loss of property value, covenants, loss of views, fears of construction damage, increased competition.
Sets out government's planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied. These are material considerations in all planning decisions.
A plan prepared by a Parish or Town Council or a Neighbourhood Forum for a particular neighbourhood area. The process is subject to independent examination and a community referendum.
Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) are large scale developments (relating to energy, transport, water, or waste) which require a type of consent known as “development consent order".
Statutory consultees are those organisations and bodies, defined by statute, which local planning authorities are legally required to consult before reaching a decision on relevant planning applications.
This is the outward expansion geographically of towns and cities on previously undeveloped land. This is usually characterised by the unrestricted growth of low residential developments.
Is an area of vacant land or buildings without any specific proposal for being allocated for development within the Local Authority Development Plan.
Are a set of benefits given by law to property and land owners, that allow them to undertake some works and changes of use without requiring planning permission. There are lots of different types of benefits provided under these regulations from agricultural rights to telecommunication companies and local authorities. Schedule2 Class A sets out the benefits for houses.
Placemaking is a collaborative process, by which communities can shape their public spaces to maximise social values. The process helps create and strengthen the links between people and public spaces, such as the development of pocket parks, community allotments etc.
An Ordnance Survey based map, which geographically explains the policies and proposals in the Local Plan.
A major principle of planning is that sustainable development should be supported unless the adverse effects of the development would significantly outweigh the benefits. This requires that in plan making as well as decision making local authorities should remain positive and flexible to enable rapid responses to changes in their area.
A formal procedure for dealing with planning appeals where parties frequently have legal representation, there are witness statements and cross- examination takes place.
A collective term used to describe external spaces that are accessible to all members of the public and are shared free of charge, such as streets, parks, civic squares.
PTAL is a measurement of how accessible an area of land is within Greater London to the public transport network. Each area is graded between 0 and 6b where 0 is poor and 6b is excellent. The measure reflects walking time, reliability of services, catchment area and waiting times.
Area of land allocated for a specific use or type of development, such as housing, retail or employment, in a Local Plan or Neighbourhood Plan.
The development and maintenance of facilities that support social well-being and social richness. This could include healthcare facilities, educational establishments, parks, open spaces community halls etc.
A plan containing strategic policies prepared by a Mayor or a combined authority. It includes the London Plan (prepared under provisions in the Greater London Authority Act 1999) and plans prepared by combined authorities that have been given equivalent plan-making functions by an order made under the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009 (as amended).
A broad overview of how spatial planning objectives can be achieved within the development plan.
The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) is a document which sets out how all interested parties (communities, stakeholders and other interested groups) will be involved and engaged in the preparation of a new Local Plan.
It explains the consultation methods that will be used at different points in the preparation of each Local Plan document. They can usually be found on a planning authorities website.