Volunteer Vacancies

Volunteer roles at Planning Aid for London

At Planning Aid for London, we rely on the help of our volunteers to help us deliver our advice services. Our volunteers not only help by giving advice to members of the public; they are involved in creating new guides, leaflets and videos. They also help deliver training sessions for communities or create new content for the website.

It is not mandatory for volunteers to be a member of the RTPI or other professional body to volunteer with us.

The volunteer roles are:

  • Caseworker Lead Volunteer: Help resolve planning queries by giving members of the public and community groups advice
  • Workshop Lead Volunteer: Support with community outreach and facilitate our workshops with community groups
  • Support Volunteer: Recent graduates and early career planners can support the delivery of training and events and casework. You can pair up with other volunteers to get more experience in planning

We are not currently recruiting for new volunteers. Please sign up to our newsletter to find out as soon as we start recruiting again.

Diversity Statement

Planning Aid for London main aim is  to help support greater diversity and inclusion for residents as part of the planning system. We work to empower people to have real influence over decisions about their environment and communities and welcome opportunities from anyone who would like to help us to achieve that.

Planning Aid for London is aware that discrimination based on sex, race, ability, sexuality, class, gender, religion, age, maternity, parenthood or other characteristics can be consciously or subconsciously replicated in its undertakings and will eliminate any form of discrimination in its activities. To achieve this Planning Aid for London regularly reviews and monitors their work and practises.

Rest Less Age Inclusive Volunteering