PAL asks Mayoral candidates to build a fair and inclusive London
February 11, 2021
Earlier this month, government confirmed that London's mayoral elections will take place on the 6th of May this year. The Mayor of London will have to lead the city's recovery of the Covid-19 pandemic. A democratic planning system is critical to a post-pandemic future.
PAL are asking Mayoral candidates to commit to three asks. This will ensure Londoners can participate in decisions about the future of London. Our asks are:
- Resources for Planning Aid Services: London’s Mayor should provide resources to support free planning aid advice services in London. This should enable meaningful participation in planning.
- Capacity building for communities: London’s Mayor should match this support for planning aid services with a programme of capacity building and training for people. This should focus on those from disadvantaged communities.
- Mayoral Statement of Community Involvement: The mayor's office should create a Mayoral Statement of Community Involvement that sets out minimum standards for meaningful public involvement in planning. The statement should also define how digital engagement methods will be inclusive and accessible for all.
You can read our briefing to the Mayoral candidates here
Read our press release here
To learn more about the mayoral elections and how you can vote, please visit the Greater London Authority's website here.