Steering group meeting (Sep 2020)

Mural of a black person on a shopfront

Steering Group Meeting

Planning Aid for London has had its first steering group meeting. The steering group will run for three years and comes together three times a year to discuss progress within Planning Aid for London. The discussion focussed on what resources PAL should create to support members of the public in their engagement with planning.

We are grateful to the group members for their insightful contributions. A word of thanks to Just Space (@justspace7), Latin Elephant (@LatinElephant), ASF UK (@ASF_UK), Hackney Quest (@HackneyQuest), the HEAR Network (@HEAR_Network), the Grand Union Alliance (@GUAnetwork), Nancy AstleyFlora Walker (@floramelita) and the Town and Country Planning Association (@theTCPA).

Collection of logos of the steering group members