Planning library
Find a resource on planning or related topics.
Many guides and leaflets have been created to support people engage with planning. Scroll down for our library and have a browse of the different resources we have collected.
Our community planning library includes over 150 resources, such as guides and articles, on planning. You can also find organisations providing services for community groups, training videos and much more. Other organisations and networks who can offer advice have also been included. They can help you with questions about tenant rights, housing and more. Or you can join one of the community-led support networks.
Do you have a resource or offer a service that should be included in the list? Please let us know by getting in touch.
How to use the library
The description of each resource explains what it is about. You can browse the library by entering a keyword in the search function (for example, 'planning application'). You can also select a theme or type you want to explore. Read more about using the library here.
What you can find in the library
Planning resources
Our collection includes resources on topics related to planning. For example, you can read more about housing and tenant rights. The library covers twenty different themes. Before you select a topic, have a read of what each theme includes.
There are different types of resources included in the library. If you want to understand what a label means, read the explanations for each label.
Search the planning library

Toolkit to help communities meet local housing needs utilising empty homes

Examples of community based approaches towards utilising empty homes

Directory of advice services and information sources to help you resolve your question

Advice service
Collection of advice services who can help you with housing related queries and problems

Guidance for private renters on rental issues, eviction, and homelessness

Tools for doing participatory engagement and design

Advice service
Information, support and events for renters in Camden

Training and video
Video explaining how you prepare a response to a planning application (first 20 mins are most useful)

Support network
London branch of the countryside charity, supporting local groups on planning and environmental campaigns.

A guide explaining the basics of planning, focussing on Local Plans and Neighbourhood Plans.

Library with various guides, leaflets and other resources explaining aspects of the planning system, including: Local Plans, campaigning, climate change, and parks and green spaces.

A guide explaining on how you should prepare a response to a planning application and where you can find the relevant information about planning applications.

Guide for community groups and individuals looking to oppose a development that has been granted planning permission, or will receive planning permission soon. It explains how you can assess whether you have a case for a judicial review or a statutory challenge, and sets out how the procedure works.

Support network
Support for housing cooperatives and housing management services

Advice service
Find your local Citizens Advice help line and advice service.

Training and video
Training offer on community leadership and organising

Support network
Membership based organisations for civic and amenity societies

Read how you can campaign for more trees in your local area.

Support network
Organising collective for community development workers

Support network
Support network for local food growers in London

Toolkit to help local groups engage their council and influence decisions made.

Support network
A group of campaigners from around the UK who provide support, resources and training for grassroots campaign groups, including groups in London

Toolkit providing guidance on community engagement in planning

Toolkit providing guidance on how to carry out community based planning

Support network
Support for charities, community groups and individuals in Southwark

Series of guides on development and finance of community housing

Support network
Advice and support for community led housing groups

Toolkit providing info on how communites can influence regeneration proposals

Advice service
Platform to connect professionals and communities fighting for public land and social housing in London.

A guide explaining how procurement takes place for a regeneration project. The guide explains how a project would ideally take place.

Introduction to community led and cooperative housing

Bibliography on planning

An opportunity to campaign to your council for appropriate spending on cycling

Short document offering advice on dealing with regeneration in your area

Government guidance on delivering community led broadband infrastructure

Sources of funding for community groups

A platform providing resources for residents undergoing estate regeneration

Affordable consultancy services for small charities and social enterprises. Advice covers energy performance, sustainability assessments, health checks, webinar training and more.

Advice service
Members can get free advice on property management

Collection of guides and articles on how to manage your property or building

Advice service
Organisation offering property advice charities, community groups and other not-for-profit organisations

List of methods and actions you can use to get tower block problems and other housing issues fixed.

Toolkit on how you run a campaign on housing issues. Tips included on how you object to planned demolition and regeneration.

Advice service
Free planning support for environmental public-interest cases on behalf of local groups.

A guide on Local Plans and how you can get involved in their preparation

Guide explaining how you should prepare a response to a planning application.

A guide on Environmental Impact Assessments and how to engage in the process

A guide on Public Inquiries, planning and how to engage in the process

A guide on Judicial Reviews, planning and how to engage in the process

Set of guides on how to use your rights in the planning system

A guide on how to do Freedom of Information requests and obtain (planning) information from the council (part 1)

A guide on how to do appeal the decision on your Freedom of Information request (part 2)

A guide by Friends of the Earth explaining how you can raise funds.

Advice service
Help and information on renting in the private sector

Support network
Overview of your rights as a private renter. Helps you find a renters union in your area.

Guide explaining the ground rules for how you can involve other community members

Map showing the number and location of planning permissions from the London development Database (LDD)

Greenspace Information for Greater London CIC (GiGL) is London’s environmental records centre. They provide data on the natural environment which cam be used by community groups who are concerned about protected nature and animals in a space where a development is proposed.

Advice service
Comphrehensive resources on self building an environmentally friendly home

Contact details for solicitors for people seeking housing law advice or representation

List of resources on various topics, including housing, health and planning.

Support network
Training and support network for Deaf and Disabled Organisations in London

Communities network Just Space covers progress of the new London Plan

Communities network Just Space covers the Examination in Public of the New London Plan in 2019

Guide on how to assess the social impacts of your organisation or groups.

How you ensure research collaboration between communities groups and universities is mutually benificial

Support network
Mutual-support network of community groups on planning issues in London

Handbook for council estate residents on organising against gentrification

Read the analysis of the latest London Plan by community alliance Just Space.

Support network
A collaborative mapping project looking to connect support groups across London

A collection of resources on planning and property management

Advice service
Free property advice to charities

Training and video
A webinar listing top tips on virtual planning inquiries.

List of resources on the planning system, including the NPPF, inquiries, Local Plans and planning case law.

An online summary of the National Planning Policy Framework.

A series of four guides with advice for small businesses and traders

Advice service
Find your local law centre for your legal advice service

Training and video
Training service for community training on how the law works.

Guide for communities looking to understand and particpate in legal processes affecting them

Advice service
Charity offering free legal advice to individuals and not-for-profit organisations

Guide explaining the Use class orders of the English planning system

Advice on how to reduce traffic and make your neighbourhood healthier

Advice service
Resources on how to set up a Low Traffic Neighbourhood and school street, to reduce traffic

In some circumstances, the Ombudsman can help if you are unhappy about a decision to grant planning permission. Have a look at this fact sheet when you can complain to the Ombudsman and what they can do for you.

Training and video
Helpful introduction to the planning system and the role of the Local Plan, focussing on Merton Local Plan.

The Greater London Authority has created a dashboard with the aim of helping you find out more about the status of the local plans in London.

Support network
An alliance of civil society organisations in London